I watched the video "innocence of muslims" and I am going to attempt to write an essay on it. To be completely honest I wasn't even sure what message was trying to be portrayed or what the movie was about the first time I watched it. Although, I didn't comperhend the film at first after i watched the video a second time, and did a little research the video became to make more and more sense. Although it did begin to make a little sense to me I'm still not sure if I understood the movie as it was meant to be understood. As far as I know or could interpet, the video is meant to prove the point that not all Muslims are america hating terroists. The video is literally trying to prove, "the inncocence of Muslims". As far as I know, the current events associated with this events would be mainly and most obviosus, the war in Iraq and Afghanastan. There are also a lot of riots about this video across the world. My opinion on this video is it really seems kind of abrurd. Once again I'm not really sure what this film really means or is trying to interpet so it's hard for me to have an oppionion and not sound ignorant. It just seems like a senseless video, and if the press would stop giving it so much attention, nobody would have probably ever heard of it and it would of had a much smaller effect on the United States and the world. The advice I would mgive to poloticians is to block the video on youtube so less people would see it, and soon enough it would be a thing of