innovational proposal Essay

Submitted By samsam1234kkk
Words: 1853
Pages: 8

This assignment was created in order to look at a business opportunity that would be suitable for a new start up business. This has resulted me to create an app that allows make-up users to see reviews purchase and constantly received updated products that best suit them.
The idea of having an app such as this is to help make-up users with the process of constantly trying to find new products, which may or may not be good for their skin/skin tone. There are always new app’s coming out within the market, especially as the world today is based on technology and internet, there would always the available space in the market for new ideas.
Match master is an app that allows the user to create a profile where they are able to upload details about their skin and skin tone. By doing so make-up companies are able to weekly send that consumer products that best suit them based on the details they have uploaded on to their profile. The consumer is also able to upload videos of products they have used to review it and others are able to see the review that one has uploaded. Also the consumers are also able to make direct purchases through the app.
The objective for Match Master is to help minimise cash loss products for make-up buyers. Many make-up user buy products without knowing the consistency, the colour out put, the durability etc, and once purchased are unable to return it if it is not what they want. By having match master it cuts many corners and answers any unanswered questions.
All the consumer has to do in order to set up their profile is to go through set of questions and take a picture of their skin colour in natural day light.
Examples of some of the questions that would be asked before the consumer creates their account/profile:
. -What skin type are you: oily, dry or combination?
Do you have sensitive skin?
-What type of foundation do you prefer; liquid, crème, mouse or powder?
-What type of finish do you prefer; matte or douey?

From answering those question the consumers profile will then automatically filtered what best suits them and then allows companies to update the consumer on new products available that best suits them based on the answers given through their questions.
The consumer uploading a picture of their skin tone in natural daylight also helps companies update them on foundations that they think that may suit their skin type best.

Table of Contents
1. Table of contents
2. Introduction
i. Description of report ii. Objectives

3. Identifying the business opportunity
i. What is business opportunity ii. Opportunity in Smartphones, apps and make-up
4. Identify why it would be a good opportunity for an entrepreneur starting a new business
i. Benefits, apps, time convenient
5. Explain the market, which would be addressed
i. Smartphones, Make-up users and age
6. Conduct secondary research to investigate the validity of the proposal and any competitors
i. Future of apps and make-up
7. Consider the problems, which could arise in developing the concept ii Cost, process of creating app
8. Reflect on the process you went through finding and developing an idea – consider the creative process involved
9. Appendix
10. References
i. This report is to enable us to create a business opportunity that would be suitable for a new start up business, which is an app that helps make-up consumers with finding, choosing and purchasing products that best suits them. It’s all about how the product can really be useful and accessible, ii. Recognise the key issues facing a business and potential problems involved in setting up and running a business
Develop the enterprise skills and attitudes of an entrepreneur
Create and develop a simulated business concept and justify its feasibility
i. What is the definition of a business opportunity?