It is a know fact that not everyone learns the same way. A lot of students learn by using a mix of styles. There are nine different learning styles and there is not one that is better than another. The nine learning styles are visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, solitary, naturalist, and musical. Visual or spatial learning is when a student prefers to see pictures, images, movies, and demonstrations to grasp an idea. Students who are aural learners use sounds and lectures to understand topics and concepts. Verbal (linguistic) learning is using words whether it is in speech or writing are used to get the concepts of ideas and lessons. Physical or kinesthetic learning is using one's body and sense of touch and doing to understand what is being taught. People who learn through logical (mathematical) style of learning tend to do better when they can use logic and reasoning to understand a lesson. Social or interpersonal students tend to excel in-group work and projects where they can bounce ideas of others and ask questions to understand a lesson or concept. Individuals who learn solitarily or interpersonally prefer to do individual work and self-study strategies. People who learn through naturalist intelligences tend to do better in the sciences where they can do hands on activities and research that involve nature. Individuals who succeed in the intelligences of music have the capacity to think in music. They are able to hear patterns, recognize them, and perhaps manipulate them. I have actually taken Gardner’s multiple intelligences test and I have found that I do not have just one type of intelligence qualities. My results have shown that I have the intelligences of a body (kinesthetic), verbal (linguist) and visual (spatial) learner. My results were one hundred percent correct. I love being active and physical so anything where I can use my body and hands to learn something tense to stick in my memory easier because I think back to the moment when I was doing it. An example of this is in my 7th grade social studies class our teacher challenged another class to a social studies kick ball game. You are basically playing kick ball but before you could go up to kick you had to answer a social studies question correctly. It was both educational and fun. The reason I remember this so clearly is because I got to use my body and have fun while learning. Being the athlete I am, playing both football and baseball this result did not shock me. Anytime I was active in school or work I have concentrated better and was able to produce top-notch work. Another one of my results showed that I have the qualities of a verbal (linguist) intelligence learner. I have also seen this result to be proven correct, especially after starting college. I found that I communicate and learn more from listening and talking. After taking some college communication course I have found my true calling to be a broadcaster. I don’t mind if I broadcast the news or if I cover a sporting event. Communication is the field I belong in. This semester alone I am in a debate class and I love it. I get to argue the affirmative side as well as the negative side. This makes me think of both the pros and cons of a topic. Being college you hear a lot of lectures and you need to be able to take all the information in. Having a verbal intelligence does not surprise. Somebody can tell me something today and ill remember it a month from now. I am able to use words well, both in writing and speaking. I am not one of those people who get nervous talking in front of a class. Public speaking is a natural gift of mine; I love talking in front of people. I love talking in general. My last result of this test was that I have qualities of a visual intelligence learner. Me having visual intelligence qualities actually did shock me. I know looking at things such as pictures and charts help me while I am in school but I did not think it was the