User Domain: Create an acceptable use policy. We will require all employees and users to agree to the terms and conditions in order to use devices on our network, violations will result in ramifications up to and including termination. Training will be provided to employees when hired.
Workstation Domain: Workstations will not have access to devices or applications which are not needed and approved by IT. This includes disabling media drives that are not needed, applications such as media players which are not needed and websites which are not integral to the operation of the company.
LAN Domain: All physical components that are integral to the operation of the LAN will be kept secure in closest and datacenters. Only approved personnel should have access to said centers. The LAN will also require authentication in order to connect. This will include user names and passwords.
LAN to WAN domain: Firewalls and other protection will be utilized at this level. This will include content filtering and denial of service to sites and services contacting the LAN that are not preapproved.
WAN Domain: For communication over the internet, encryption and VPN networks will be utilized in order to keep information as secure as possible over the internet. Also, all email coming from the internet will be scrutinized for any type of malware.
Remote Access Domain: For users using remote access, training will be required for all users