Internship: Money Management I Essay

Submitted By ashden3186
Words: 1037
Pages: 5

|Internship Goal Assessment Form |
| |PART 2 |PART 3 |
|Professional Dimension |My Strengths |My Weaknesses |My Goals for Improvement |Progress I Made on |Obstacles to My |Resource I Need |
| | | | |Improvement |Improvement | |
|1. Career planning and |Having 6 yrs of experience |Lacks the management |Find out what's needed to successfully |I met with my manager |Not being able to |The company requires |
|development |with the HANO authority. |experience that always seems |become a manager in the company. Meet |and HR specialist, and |attend the weekly |you to have a degree,|
| | |to be required for any |with immediate manager and HR Specialist |informed them that I was|management training. |at least 4 years |
| | |positions that become |to let them know of desire to become |interested in finding | |experiences and Nan |
| | |available. |manager, and any tools the company may |out what it would take | |McKay company |
| | | |have to assist with the goal. Borrow and |to become a successful | |required |
| | | |read books on leadership from the public |manager for the company.| |Training class. |
| | | |library for insight and motivation. Take | | | |
| | | |any leadership or management training | | | |
| | | |offered by the company. | | | |
|2. Resume preparation and |I am enthusiastic, | I am always nervous during an|To calm my nerves I will try to get a |I started going to sleep|Not being able to |A computer with |
|interview techniques (skills) |responsive, attentive, and I|interview, which causes me to |good night's sleep before the interview, |earlier before an |practice my interview |internet connection. |
| |always remember to smile. I |sweat and stutter. My resume |so that I can feel fresh. I will not |interview and prepared a|techniques on an | |
| |sit up straight, don’t |needs improvement. |leave my planning to the last minute. I |day ahead of time. I |individual before a | |
| |fidget, and make eye contact|