Interracial Dating Research Papers

Words: 2055
Pages: 9

Interracial Dating of Millennials: An Increasing Trend
By Claire Bontempo

Table of Contents
Research Paper: “Love knows no bounds – or does it?”
Oral History Interview
Supplementary Oral History Interview

Abstract This research paper provides an investigation on the increasing number of interracial marriages. Starting with a brief, contextual history of marriage laws in the United States and moving into present day. The primary focus is relationships between blacks and whites; with minor disregard to the role gender may play. In conclusion, it was discovered that increased interracial relationships does not mean society is closer to eliminating racism. Rather, it displays an
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In 2010, the increase in blacks marrying outside their races is partly due to “a rising black middle class” and therefore increased interaction with different races – which leads to interracial partnering.12 Many social scientists in the past focused on the supposed pathological aspects of the interracial relationship. For this reason, much of the former research on black-white relationships is skewed because there was an assumed psychological disturbance in a person who was a part of an interracial couple. Many social scientists cited relied upon three generalizations to justify interracial marriages: “1) the couple was pathological, 2) one partner was marrying to obtain a higher class or status than previously held, or 3) one or both partners were rebelling against their parents and/or society because of deep-seated sentiment.”13 In one survey, in which over 200 interracial couples were interviewed, most met either at “school, work or a social event” and were often from similar socioeconomic backgrounds.14 From this it can be concluded that desegregation and increased interracial encounters will naturally lead to increased interracial marriages. Although most members have society have moved away from the alternative, archaic (and incredulous) assumption that those involved in the survey each had some sort of psychological disturbance, this mindset still exists within …show more content…
Generation Y, sometimes dubbed ‘Millennials’ – essentially anyone born from about the early 1980s to the early 2000s – may be the first generation to grow up without the heavy-hearted feelings about race relations of their predecessors. When interracial dating is addressed to people of Generation Y, it is evident that it is very much a non-issue. Most see it as just dating, and don’t think twice about the fact that their partner may be a different race than they are – as is reflected by Kirkland Wheeler, a 27-year-old black male who has dated a variety of women who are all different races from him. According to Wheeler, the school he went to is partly the reason for having interracial relationships. Upon reflection, he notes all of his relationships have been interracial ones though it wasn’t on purpose. “I went to a high school where there weren’t very many black students and grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood. My first girlfriend was Pacific Islander, but I didn’t think much of it…Even now, as an adult, my circle of friends are mostly white. I guess this is reflected in my last two girlfriends, who are both white. There just aren’t many people of color in my personal community.”15 A black child who grows up in a predominantly white community, and