Interview Relative Close To You: Step-Brother

Words: 1951
Pages: 8

Part 1: Interview Relative Close to You: Step-brother
1. In what ways do adults and children share experiences in our family? What aspects of life were kept separate?
--In our family, adults and children share experiences by eating together at the table and celebrating the new year together. The aspects of life that were kept separate happened when going shopping for food, sewing clothing, farming, and schooling. Adults could do all these in our family, however, children couldn’t get to do it because adults considered children as they were young and shouldn’t be doing such chores.
2. How was affection expressed in our family?
--Our family didn’t express affection toward one another because we tend to know each other’s feelings and emotions. We felt embarrassed to say, “I love you” to our loved ones, but we showed affection and care by doing something great for them. For example, if we knew that we were going to run out of firewood, then we, unexpectedly, would go to the
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Back then we didn't have electricity, candles and homemade oil candles were the only tools we use to lighten the night. A battery was another source for many people uses as to watch television. I remembered when I wanted to watch television, I would try to encourage some of my friends to go with me to another person's house to watch movies. However, my mother was very strict that I hardly had an opportunity to watch television by myself because I had to take my siblings with me everywhere I go. In addition, the only movie that was part of my childhood called, Malee's Life. It influenced me socially and emotionally; empathy, sympathy, love, and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. The movie taught me that we were once a child raised by our parents, we have an obligation to love and respect them no matter what they were; drug dealer, gambling,