Intimate Partner Violence Powerpoint

Words: 637
Pages: 3

Intimate partner violence has been around a long time and continues to grow, especially around college campuses here in the United States. Therefore, I will describe a short-term group aimed at supporting traditional college students who have experienced or are experiencing intimate partner violence. This group will contain both psychoeducational and interpersonal components. The purpose of this group is to help students develop the skills necessary to express their emotions on an appropriate level. In addition, the group is intended to aid students in developing more positive attitudes. My group will consist of 6 voluntary traditional college students from Delta State University. I am seeking traditional college students because I do not want a big age gap among the members. I will recruit members by advertising my groups within my practice at the Delta State University Counseling Center. I will give out memos, make announcements, and speak with my colleagues. I seek clients who show eagerness to speak about their trauma concerning intimate partner violence. …show more content…
Since we are dealing with college students who have experienced a trauma in some way, having a leader at each meeting is imperative to the process. For example, if I get sick or have an emergency, my coleader will be able to make it the group meetings. The co-leader for my group will be a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and colleague from the Delta State University Counseling Center. It is important for my co-leader to have worked with college students beforehand. Specifically, I want my co-leader to have some knowledge concerning partner violence and trauma. Before the group starts meeting, the co-leader and I will meet to discuss our different worldviews. I want to make sure that my co-leader and I do not bring any of our own conflicts into the group once everything gets