Intp Personality Traits

Words: 1737
Pages: 7

This paper explores different personality traits with their strengths and weaknesses. The main traits I will focus on is INTP. It stands for Introvert, iNuitive, Thinker, and Perceiver. As I am borderline Introvert and Extrovert, I will discuss Extrovert as well (“Jung Typology Test,” n. d.). In order to do research for this paper I first had to take a personality test called the Jung Typology test. This determined my foremost personality traits. Everyone has all the traits inside them, just some are more dominant. With all these traits inside us, it what we choose to act on that makes up our personality. As I choose to be both part extrovert and part introvert. I then researched how the personality traits effect relationships, interactions with people, and how they affect your personal growth and success (“Jung Typology Test,” n. d.). The traits also determine how a person will be as a parent, and preferences in a mate (“The Personality Page,” n. d.”). Everyone …show more content…
I have described in general each term, now best to discuss how it all interacts (“Personality Page,” n. d). People who have an INTP personality trait live in an amusing world inside their mind full of imagination and ideas, when looking externally the world pales in comparison. This has me an iNtuitive – perceiver which cause someone to have a desire for an adventure but a want to be alone. Before a INTP person speaks they have thoroughly research the subject so as to sound as they have it together, and want to feel intelligent (“Jung Typology Test,” n. d.). With the want to be alone, INTP like data systems like math or computers. A system that can be understood. I fully understand this, as a kid I loved math. It was problems I could solve while when with people I could often say the wrong thing, could mess up. After learning I have this personality I can apply it to my worldview, too stronger my covenant with God (Fischer,