Investigating Wrongful Conviction Analysis

Words: 754
Pages: 4

The interview about Investigating Wrongful Conviction discussed how an individual could prove their innocence after conviction by elaborating on the resources needed to investigate wrongful convictions. The innocence project utilizes law students, who are then benefited in learning about different cases, to help search through claims of innocence. Law students might need additional support to help gather evidence for a claim and validate the claim in hopes that will lead to an exoneration.
Dr. Zalman interviewed three individuals; on the work that they have done involving wrongful convictions, these people are contractors hired to investigate cases. It was interesting that these three people investigated cases about wrongful conviction from
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Investigations that the police and attorneys gather before a sentencing might not be so clear, this is problematic for the innocence movement because one group is trying to prove guilt and another is trying to prove innocence. The level of uncertainty is an issue because if the evidence gathered does not explicitly state that an individual commited the crime, this makes the work done by MIC and PI much more challenging. The process that a police officer investigates a crime scene can be misguided by personal suspicions, which then complicates the entire investigation by making it not transparent, this can potentially lead to more wrongful convictions. I like that Recon; the main purpose is about investigating and seeing where the evidence lies and that there are no hidden agendas it is just investigating and seeing what will happen. Investigators do not have to try and prove innocence instead they follow facts and see where they will lead. These investigators look to find evidence to prove factual innocence. Law enforcement agencies have multiple constraints (i.e., time, resource, and pressure) and the officers use basic understanding to filter through the facts and align with their suspicious belief based on the familiarity of a similar …show more content…
There was physical evidence on the victim's body, throughout the investigation, it was found that the two individuals had a prior argument with the victim and these people could have potentially been convicted. Once the investigation continued, it was found that another person rape and murder the victim. It was stated in the video that an actual investigator would take it a step further and look at the evidence to determine how this crime could have potentially occurred. I found this statement to be interesting because it elaborated on the tunnel vision that some officers