Invisible Illnesses Research Paper

Words: 1538
Pages: 7

Research Question and Hypothesis
This study should be further researched in order to promote the knowledge of invisible illnesses. Invisible illnesses have less regard in societal concern, than visible illness. With the lack of empathy from the public eye, invisibly ill individuals combat in their everyday routine and engagement. Consistent neglect to respect one’s ailments, leads an individual to partake in the suppressive mindset, thus creating self-repressive behavior. Since lack of knowledge creates careless disposition, healthy individuals should put themselves in the ill’s shoes. People should practice positive communication with patients to create a welcoming environment. Empathetic attitudes should develop for those who need support systems, instead of being torn down from external factors. By creating a more accepting environment, invisibly ill patients will respond more openly in their social interactions and mentality.
RQ: Is there a correlation between societal suppression of invisible illness and the way the invisibly ill communicate and develop interpersonal relationships?
H: As society continues to misunderstand invisible illnesses, invisibly ill patients will struggle to develop relationships due to self-repressive behavior.
The survey
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I will obtain parental consent for the individuals under the age of 18. The reason for this elongated age range is because Fibromyalgia attacks at any age, and each patient reacts differently. After receiving the necessary approval and desired participants, I will then send in the surveys through email with a small compensation in order to express my gratitude for the finalized submissions. Also, the security of each individual’s rights is tremendously crucial. Throughout the entirety of the procedure, the participant’s identities will remain exclusive and anonymous as all of their data will remain