Irony In Erik Larson's The Devil In The White City

Words: 150
Pages: 1

The novel “The Devil in the White City” was a instructive and thrilling story that kept readers captivated throughout reading. Its author Erik Larson uses irony, vivid diction, and point of view in order to strike horror the reader while constantly reminding them of the legitimacy of the novel.

The use of irony is displayed all throughout the novel by Larson. An example of Larson’s mobilization of irony is when Larson recounts how Holmes “removed the apron and rolled down his sleeves. The chloroform and his own intense arousal made him feel light-headed. The sensation, as always, was pleasant and induced in him a warm languor…” This handling of irony at this point in the novel smacks the reader into a petrified state. Since the reader