“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is a short tale. The story begins by letting the readers know that Mr. Mallard died. As the events unfold we can detect different emotions from Mrs. Mallard. At first, Mrs. Mallard locks herself in her room and grieves, but then, she experiences an unexpected sense of freedom when she says, "Free! Body and soul free!" At this moment she, and the readers believed that she would continue having a fulfilling life. It is here, where Chopin demonstrates one of the obvious cases of irony in this story. Mrs. Mallard believed she would be free, until the moment her husband arrived at the door and died of the shock that he was alive. Instead of the expected death of Mr. Mallard the readers are witness to the death of Louise. …show more content…
Throughout the Story Chopin portrayed an image of a woman who was repressed. We as the readers can come to the conclusion that her marriage was not a cheerful one. The men in her life seemed to be oblivious to her unhappiness. We can see this in the statement the doctor made, “she died of heart disease – of joy that kill.” It was ironic that the doctor believed she died due to the fact that she was happy to see her husband when the readers have knowledge that she was