What makes America exceptional is not because we think that we are better than every other person in other countries. We are exceptional because our ideals, as contained in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, are exceptional. As stated above in America there is the idea that all men are created equal, is one of the ideas that make America exceptional. We are exceptional because we have different ideas then other people, not because we are better then them. Americans have worked hard to make these ideas possible and to make them realistic and true. We, as people have can be as creative as we please changing these ideas as we go along. People are able to go against any idea put forward if they want to. While they may not be accepted for going against what majority believe in, they still have the option to do so. We are able to change the circumstances at any time that we want. People are able to overcome different things with their own ideas. There is no one set way to doing things in America.
Another thing that makes America exceptional is that we are allowed to put our own ideas out there. People are able to create businesses and