The master at the school begged him to come back to finish his education. He went back to school when he was 18 years old and he was accepted into Trinity college as a Sizar. (a work-study role) He would hardly get any sleep because he was always working on projects. The college closed down because of a disease so he started working on math, physics, optics, and astronomy. It opened back up again a little while later and he went to college again, finished, and got a bachelor's and master's …show more content…
He was knighted in 1705. He also wrote a book called “The Principia” and it is the most important book in modern European history. Isaac had some challenging obstacles in life when he was a little kid and even when he was older. When he was younger he used to get bullied in school, and at home his mom would hardly pay attention to him and he would get so mad that he would threaten to burn down the house, but he always calmed himself down by reading his books. He never got married or had a girlfriend but he got engaged once and never married because of his work. Isaac Newton died March 31, 1727. He was 85 years old and he died in his sleep. The day before he died he had a severe pain in his abdomen. He blacked out and never regained consciousness. He was carried to his grave by most of the people of the Royal Society. He got a monument statues and it stands against the choir screen. It is made of white and grey marble and has boys using instruments relating to his work. On the top is him wearing a classical costume and he is resting his arm on a pile of