Issues Project

Submitted By tyhgfhgf
Words: 626
Pages: 3

Issues Project

With your group, you will be identifying, researching and presenting either a science based or social based “issue” to your peers. The following information needs to be included in your report. All members must contribute to the project and the presentation.

Science based issue- below are the general guidelines to finding research for your assigned issue. Use the guidelines as reference for researching and presenting all aspects of your issue.

* Identify the issue you are presenting * give the general overview of the condition * Who does it affect (children, teens, adults, all)? * Symptoms (how can you identify a person with this issue) * Causes (genetics, social, medical) * Cures or Treatments (ways to help a person with your issue-meds, counseling, both, etc…)
**This is a generic guideline tool. Specific conditions may require different types of information to be gathered.**

Social based issue- below are the general guidelines to finding research for your assigned issue. Use the guidelines as reference for researching and presenting all aspects of your issue.

* Identify the issue you are presenting * give the general overview of the social issue * Explain the impact of this issue- is it personal (social, emotional, mental), environmental, community, etc. * Who or what does this issue affect? Why? How? When? * What actions are being taken to treat or resolve this issue?
**Social issues will vary a lot in the questions that need to be answered and the information that needs to be presented. The above guidelines are very basic and must be covered by all social issue groups. **


* Books are provided for your topic. Books may not leave the classroom. PERIOD. * Printed materials will be provided. You will high-light and annotate this reference and keep it with you. * Find your own references, as well. You may bring in books from the public library, and/or printed materials from your home, or that you have printed from school.


* Only after you have thoroughly researched your topic and discussed the issue with your group, you will begin this part of the project. * Presentation Options- tri-fold poster, Public-Service video, skit, shadow-box, or any other visual you get approved. * We are flexible as to the format of your visual, but you MUST explain all required research aspects of your issue.

Project Timeline

Tuesday-Friday (May 22-25)- RESEARCH TIME! READ about your issue. We literally