Istp Personality Analysis

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Pages: 5

Some might call me a Protagonist, others a Mentor, and still others a Teacher. What characteristics make me an ENJF, and how do I compare to my opposite – the ISTP? How do we interact in social and professional environments? What can I do to ensure that I am able to ensure the most positive interactions with those who have a completely different way of relating to and interacting with the world around them? As an ENJF I am part of a relatively small group of people in this world since it is estimated that my personality type makes up 2% of the population. Others are drawn to my authenticity, genuine concern for others, and altruism. Communication in a group or on an individual basis comes easily and influencing others in one of my strongest …show more content…
The ISTP (a.k.a. The Virtuoso or The Artisan) with their rational and curious temperament are outwardly friendly, however they are naturally very private. Practical and fair, the Virtuoso is very curious but frequently has dramatic shifts in interest and that impulsiveness can lead them to act quickly without regard to other people’s boundaries. People with ISTP personalities are excellent when things go wrong since their relaxed demeanor and almost instantaneous creativity help them see solutions to issues through to completion but this must also be balanced against a tendency to be stubborn and …show more content…
One of the tools I have learned for dealing with difficult situations is to utilize the techniques provided by Dr. Steven Covey in his bestselling book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, most importantly habits 4, 5, and 6. Habit #4, “Think Win-Win” teaches us that the best outcome to any situation where two people with differing wants and needs are coming together is to look for an outcome where both parties win. Winning in this instance is not the same as compromise where each party has to give something up so that both end up getting some of what they want, thinking win-win makes us look at what is important to both parties and first try to find a solution which satisfies all