Ms. Mitchell
Oct. 2, 2014
What Happened to the area of Italy after Rome’s fall in 476?
Source #1: ( b. Page title: History of Italy c. Oct. 2, 2014
• Odoacer replaced Romulus Augustulus after the fall of Rome
•Only stayed under Odoacer for a few years, then italy was divided into barbarian kingdoms, did not reunite until 17th century
•Odoacer was overthrown when Ostrogoths conquered italy
•the byzantine empire justinian tried to take back italy, the byzantine wars against the goths destroyed italy with famine and diseases
•because of the famine and weakness of italy, the Lombards (a Germanic tribe) were able to conquer much of it
•in 751 the lombards took Ravenna and pushed the byzantines out of italy …show more content…
After he died, the empire crumbled to dust because of no clear leader, leading to islamic attacks from Africa.
Paragraph Summary:
From this article, I found that after the Fall of Rome, the Gothic king Odoacer named himself king of Italy, but he was soon overthrown by the Ostrogoths. Then, the Byzantine Empire, under Justinian, took back Italy. Because of how the war destroyed much of Italy, the Lombards were able to conquer it. Then the Frankish tribes defeated the Lombards and gave almost all authority over Italy to the Papacy, or Catholic Church. The Catholic Church then made Charlemagne the emperor of Italy. When he died, the Holy Roman Empire fell apart and was vulnerable to Islamic attacks from Africa.
Source #2:
a.Grolier’s Online ( b. Page Title: Italy: History c. 2014
•Odoacer’s rule was ended in 493 by the Ostrogoths, who were under their chief Theodoric.
•Theodoric’s kingdom stretched from Naples to the