Ivan The Terrible Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born on August 25, 1530 in Moscow, Russia to Vasili III Ivanovich and his second wife Lena Glinskaya. His father died of a boil that got infected, when he was 3 years old and his mother became regent for 5 years until her death, possibly by being poisoned and was replaced by noblemen, Ivan was 8 years old at the time becoming an orphan. Ivan was said to grow up a beggar in the palace for the noblemen all hated his and treated him badly. Ivan was an intelligent young boy who had developed a taste for music and literature. Ivan and his deaf-mute brother often went hungry. Ivan being neglected as a child by the nobles he had tortured small animals. His isolation and the treatment he received could be the reason why he grew to be so ruthless.
Ivan had been crowned czar of all Russia on January 16, 1547 at the age of 17 and was the first ruler to assume the title. He married Anastasia Zakahrina three weeks later, after meeting her at the national completion
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They dressed in black and rode black horses. He had them torture and execute those who oppose Ivan. He would have them reenact the sufferings of hell by using biblical inspired executions, such as drowning, strangled, impaled, and roasted on a spit. They were disbanded in 1572 after they failed to defend Moscow.
On November 19, 1582 he saw his daughter in law who was pregnant dressed immodestly and he attacked her. Her husband Ivan IV’s son Ivan her scream and came to defend her, Ivan had hit his son in a fit of rage with his staff and killed his son. The attack had also caused a miscarriage of Ivan’s grandson. Ivan had died two years later on March 18, 1584 of a stroke. In his death he left his kingdom to his unfit son Feodor. Ivan had left the country in chaos, not being able to recover until Peter the great come in top power about a century