Jacque Fresco Research Paper

Words: 1584
Pages: 7

Imagine a world in which all of humanity cooperates with nature. In this world, all people, not just the middle and upper classes, have a higher standard of living than anyone else alive today, and poverty, hunger, and war are non-existent. People cooperate with one another, rather than compete, to achieve their own individual dreams and goals. Everyone works to enhance the lives of others, which in turn rewards the individual. Technology is sustainable, and does not harm the surrounding ecosystem, but rather works with it while improving the lives of all people. Human beings no longer have to work in laborious servitude just to pay the rent, buy groceries, and continue to live. Imagine entire cities in which all of the architecture and landscaping is designed to benefit the quality of human life. In these cities, energy production is economical and sustainable, people have all the health care, educational, residential, and recreational facilities needed, and product creation is automated to such a degree that no one is required to do hard manual labor. This is the kind of world envisioned by self-taught architectural designer, structural engineer, design consultant, and futurist Jacque Fresco. But is a world such as this even possible? In this article, we will explore the possibility of a sustainable future of humanity by comparing and contrasting …show more content…
No longer will men and women toil in sweat and dirt framing a house, welding beams and columns together for an industrial building, or applying gypsum board to the walls of a commercial office. Instead, buildings will be designed in computer programs and printed using huge 3-dimensional (3D) printers. Not only would individual building components be printed, but entire wall, floor, roof, and plumbing systems could be extruded in the exact design of the architect, using advanced materials, which will be discussed