James Lockwood's Short Story: Holocaust Survivors

Words: 1200
Pages: 5

It was a cold night when James Lockwood went to work. He worked as an officer for the Nazis. He didn’t like Nazis, but for his children’s sake, he needed to stay alive. He walked up and down the streets wearing his black leather uniform with its shiny brass buttons, while he looked for unwanted Jews. He didn’t like looking at the Jews. He knew they were just like him, but they believed in something else. He turned a corner as he thought. He just remembered what it was like before the war. There was barely any discrimination against the Jews. He questioned what he would be doing now if the war wasn't going on. He thought about his children playing in the yard, while he hugged his wife. He flashed his flashlight into an ally, but nothing, he …show more content…
He walked up to the guard and asked,” I’m here to see John Thornfield”. The guard nodded and dialed something on the phone. They rang and rang, and finally, there was an answer. The guard said,” Hey, some guy wants to see you, um I think he said it was James Lockwood. Yes, sir. That was John. He will be out in a bit.” James nodded and waited. After a couple of minutes John came out and said,” James how nice to see you, you want to go for a walk.” James nodded and he and John started to walk down the street. “I couldn’t say this in front of the other guards, but tonight we are going to loot the Louvre,” said John as he patted James on the back. “So we're doing that tonight so I need something?” asked James. “No, we have everything for you”, John tells James. Later that night, John and James got ready to loot the Louvre. James was starting to regret his decision, but he needed to get a raise. John came into the tent where James was getting ready,” We are loading the trucks now, hurry up”, said John as he walked out of the tent. James ran out of the tent and saw John waiting for him in one of the trucks. John handed James a …show more content…
They arrived at the Louvre, and John counted “one, two, three, go!” Everyone jumped out of the truck. James was in the lead with John. They busted down the doors and everyone started taking in all the paintings and sculptures. John grabbed as many paintings as he could without damaging any of them. He ran back to the truck and started loading it. He kept taking everyones paintings and loading them into the truck. It was about midnight now and everyone was getting back into the truck. They got back to the camp and loaded all the paintings onto a plane. James found John after all the paintings were loaded and asked,” What do we do now?”. John thought for a bit and said,” Want to go get a drink?” James wanted a drink, “Ya sure I’ll go”. James and John walked to the closest pub and went inside. An hour later, James came out and started to walk back to his house. He got to his house and went straight to bed. That morning, he woke up and thought about how wrong it was that he had helped steal all the paintings. He got ready for the day. That night when he got home he woke up Mary, his daughter, and Thomas, his son. He asked them if they wanted to go see a