Jasper Jones Ideas

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Pages: 6

Written texts have been the basis of entertainment for years, providing interesting story arcs that present thought-provoking ideas, however since the innovation of visual texts such as television programmes the communication of ideas has changed immensely. Written texts such as Jasper Jones; which presents a story of a young boy, Charlie Bucktin trying to solve the mysterious death of Laura Wishart, is an example of these great written texts that present particular ideas that have entertained many readers for years. The rise of TV shows such as House of Cards; which portrays a story of political corruption in the United states, has allowed ideas to be presented in an interesting style that has allowed viewers to appreciate them in a different …show more content…
Many ideas are missed in written text because there are usually many of them, but as there are only a few in visuals viewers are more likely to grasp the idea. As there are many ideas in novels they only scratch the surface to the most part in describing the idea, message or theme, therefore written texts don’t communicate their ideas very thoroughly. Jasper Jones focuses on a wide range of ideas such as corruption, suicide, racism and affairs, but can’t delve into all aspects these as there is so much going on that they can’t afford to focus solely on just one or two key ideas. This blurs the lines into what can be considered as the main ideas presented in this text as readers can argue to what is considered more important. Whereas a visual text such as House of Cards which only presents a small variety of ideas forces the reader to understand what the underlying ideas are in the text as they delve very deeply into them to showcase their importance to the story. As a viewer it is much easier to understand a few select ideas extensively rather than partially understand many ideas at once, which again presents the idea that visual texts are far greater at communicating important …show more content…
A written text is not able to go to this much detail in describing as they can’t play sound, present as clear picture of the character’s actions or thoughts. This is where visuals really capitalise over written texts because they can present ongoing life situations as a clear as possible where written texts can’t. A viewer is more likely to understand what the characters are feeling and doing when it is shown to them visually rather than textually. Aspects such as colour and sound grasps a viewer’s attention which allows them to focus on what’s going on, where a novel such as Jasper Jones can not do this. Instead the aspect of imagination comes in to play to create scenes that are only created through descriptive language that can’t paint the whole scene. The Visual component is unmatchable in this circumstance, therefore allowing the visual to put life into ideas very easily thus communicating the ideas much