Perhaps I had been learning and practicing the steps and movements to a jitterbug since I was little. While growing up with a Petrine approach to God, I was learning the dance steps, yet I was not really dancing. Celtic Christian spirituality has both provided a balance to a Roman church framework (the step work) and a …show more content…
Interestingly, the catalyst of imagining God within and around me came at the fountain when I visualized God’s hand open to me to enter the dance floor of life. Usually, my imagination must be prodded – a movie, a quote, a book, a song – and it is limited by the framework of the catalyst. Imagining myself jitterbugging with God comes into my mind in unexpected place and times; after a chaplain visit, while sitting in the chancel listening to an elder’s communion meditation, stretching before karate class, or while on the phone procuring next year’s health care plan. Even after a rough or long day, the image of me taking a seat to catch my breath while God waits for me comes to mind unbidden. Earlier this week, after a full day of CPE opening me up to the point of rawness, I sensed God’s hands and mine clasping each other as I begged for God to hold me close on the floor. There is no longer a catalyst – there is only the dance, revealing God within and around