My fears going into the conversation would be that she was extremely hurt that I did not discuss reaching out beforehand with her; however she had been on a cruise and I could not contact her. Additionally, I was apprehensive that she would not support my effort to discover more information about my biological family due to the fact that she had never told me about the DonorSiblingRegistry, a website for half-siblings and families to contact each other, until I had brought it up with her. As my moms were on their way back from their cruise I asked if we could talk later that night and I told them it was important; we both set a time and were able to clear our heads before the conversation. When we started the conversation after catching up, I first presented the facts, followed the STATE strategy, and told my moms that the siblings had contacted me through 23andMe. I first paused here to allow for some questions my moms had, after clearing up that I had enabled them to contact me through the website I continued the conversation. I told my story and described how I was still processing everything, but I had talked with several of the siblings and my