Though out the testimony he talks about all the things he had learned and experienced in combat. One of those things that he learned was that we joined a civil war where the Vietnamese that we had sculpted after our own image did not have the motivation to fight their threat. Most just wanted be left alone in peace to live their life and didn’t care about communism or democracy, and defiantly didn’t want helicopters and bombs exploding in their farming grounds. This war strongly resembles the war in the Middle East but I digress. He also states on how many casualties we were receiving this excessively true since by the end of the war we had nearly received 60,000 killed in action, over 150,000 wounded, and some 1,600 missing. He also added that blacks had the highest percent of casualties, and that many citizens were being killed as the results of bombs and firefights from the common search and destroy missions. It is reported that nearly 600,000 civilians were killed during the