John Proctor's Role In The Crucible '

Words: 394
Pages: 2

“Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee” (p.86). How I wish the courts followed their unjustified decisions. Haven’t they caused enough pain? I am Francis Nurse. Husband of Rebecca Nurse, I have 8 children, 26 grandchildren and own a historical amount of land. You would think they would listen to such a powerful man. John and I were neighbors. I treated him as a family. We worked each other's land in difficult times. We cared for each other. John Proctor was a good man, and nobody can say otherwise.

This propaganda that has unfolded in an untimely manner has made remarkable consequences on the town. John Proctor was one of us, helping the community through thick and thin whilst raising three boys. He put the roof on our