John Shumaker Narcissism Summary

Words: 568
Pages: 3

In John F. Schumaker's selection, he groups narcissism and ". . . unjustified self-esteem. . ."(182) as the same thing. Schumaker's main point is this generation has been taught high self esteem which has turned the people of ". . . Western culture. . ."(182) into selfish, lazy, and self entitled people. He starts off informing his audience that self-esteem was not always highly promoted. He then goes on to explain this new interest in everyone having high self esteem has caused teachers and parents to focus more on telling children how good they are at everything, over teaching them how to be good at anything. Though I agree this could teach children to be narcissistic, being encouraging could help these children try harder at developing skills in a certain subject. …show more content…
As Schumaker continues on he makes a good, but worrisome observation, " Young people find themselves in a culture that tells us to feel good about ourselves regardless of what we are as people"(182). Though I think the point of high self-esteem for everyone is to make them become better people, though it may not always work out this way. Which embodies another one of Schumaker's points, ". . . a large percentage of happiness seekers who are looking for happiness by way of what they can draw toward themselves, rather than what they can share with others"(184). This is why he believes high self-esteem cause people to become narcissistic. Though this could be common, I do not think it is true one hundred percent of the time. Some people who have high self-esteem may be so pleased with the feeling, they want to teach and share this feeling with everyone. Lastly, Schumaker states, ". . .high self-esteem has been shown to give no additional edge in [Social skills]. . .(182). Along with this he expresses the things high self -esteem is suppose to stop kids from doing,may actually be encouraging kids to do (ie, Drugs, underage drinking or