John Wayne the cowboy has always been my hero.
42. If you could relive any part of your life, what would it be?
I would relive being married and having kids, that was the best part of my life raising the kids.
43. Are there any parts of your life that you regret?
The last stage is ego integrity vs. despair. This stage is starting according to Erickson at the age of 65 and continues throughout the rest of life. In this phase of life, we have the ability to reflex upon our personal life’s in deep thought looking over the actions that have led us to this point. Darrell Madden explained that if there was one thing he could do differently that would be trying hard to stop of death of his second son, looking back he says there were medical …show more content…
Are there any years you felt were wasted?
I feel like the wasted sometime between getting out of high school and joining the navy, had I joined sooner I would have made good money sooner. These were the years of 1956 to 1959.
45. Are you like the person you were 20 years ago? 10 years ago?
Yes, I like to think I am the same person I was 20 years ago and 10 years ago, I’m still old and grouchy.
46. If you had three wishes, what would they be?
My first wish is impossible, I wish your grandmother Minnie was still here with me, my 2nd wish is to do something differently with raising my family. My third wish would be that my kids are happy and healthy.
47. Looking over your entire life, when was it darkest? brightest?
I would say my life overall has been bright, there have been dark time like the death of my wife, son and brother but we always made it to a better place at the end of it.
48. Is your life getting darker or brighter now?
I really don’t know, some days are better than others. I guess I would say brighter overall, but my health isn’t that good and it causes me to worry more then I should about