Jonathan Edwards Rhetoric

Words: 507
Pages: 3

Waiting for grade Jonathan Edwards Rhetorical Analysis.

In the Sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Eighteenth-century minister Jonathan Edwards in 1941, was invited by the pastor of the church to preach to listeners to teach them about the brutal horrors of hell, and the dangerous decisions of sins that could lead to it using, imagery, analogies of the bible, and speculation to strike fear, motivation, and realization to ultimately move listeners to live a greater life, making better decisions to not commit sins and anger God.

Throughout the Sermon, Jonathan Edwards assumes everyone in his audience is afraid of God and terrified of going to hell, and in fear of God's wrath, uses it to strike motivation. He does this using his tone in his vocabulary while explaining the potential outcome of hell, explaining it with brutal imagery and as an example he says, " There is the dreadful pit of the growing flames of the wrath of god... There is Hell's wide gaping mouth open... Nothing to stand upon nor anything to take hold of... there is nothing between you and Hell but air." Which is very awakening and honest to the listeners, and works to create this scaring moment of realization to do better as in the end, it's on you and gods view of you for your placement. Also to add, he creates more fear and motivation, "The Wrath of God is like great waters that are damned for the present." Which just increases more and more creating an output more frightening..