Josephine Creed Research Paper

Words: 475
Pages: 2

I have a hard time talking about myself sometimes because I don’t feel that I really know who I am. Josephine Creed is your typical white Christian girl who grew up in a Christian family and goes to a Christian high school. I haven’t gone through many life-changing hardships and live a really comfortable life; these circumstances make it difficult to figure out who you really are. This journey of discovering who I am has been tough, but I continue to push through and seek the person that God created me to be. The first stop on my journey was moving from a public middle school to a small, Christian high school. It was during this season of my life that I learned how much I need people and a sense of security. Every day, for the first two weeks of school, I felt lost. It wasn’t until I found my clique that I finally felt the peace that I have been missing. I need people and community in my life in order to maintain my happiness. …show more content…
I was stressed beyond belief and struggled to get enough sleep to make it through the next day. This was the year that I started my first job and had to learn to balance my time between school, work, and family. I didn’t see my dad for days at a time and would stay up to all hours after work got off to finish all the work that needed to be done before school the following day. I took out a car loan during my junior year as well and had to learn to pay bills with interest and fees. I am realizing now, as I look back, that my work ethic has rocketed upwards. I am such a hard worker and too often cancel my plans with friends in order to get in a few extra shifts at