Submitted By vajenkin38606
Words: 1207
Pages: 5


This is a review of the article that was read about the Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 2007. Tan explains the mechanism to hiring a religious person based upon CBT. By Tan having the knowledge of diversity in Bible school psychotherapy, hospice, rural care, and other areas of counseling, it became useful. Tan focuses on the prayer and scripture principles when it comes to the Christian based CBT, which comprises the relationship of app-customer. The healing of reminiscences well thought through by using the methodologies creating the conclusion. The scriptures are used as an underlying of assessing the behavior of thought. Religious beliefs of one’s faith influences the problem by using biblical interventions. Also, Tan should focus more on the person’s background, and church influences. The two ways of integrating Christian-based CBT would be through unconcealed use of scriptures or incorporation. Whichever way the counselor decides to go, the client is the focus. The focus on the client’s need should be intentional. During Tan’s use of integration with CBT, deals with the diversity of problems. The problems deal with anything from matrimonial problems to disorders of movement. Tan is clear that all customers will not be able to use the dialogue. The intake completion may be difficult depending on the consumer, but the best technique ought to decide. Those patients that have been through a disturbing situation, may go through many steps of prayer. The customer’s focus has gone beyond the situation and focuses on Christ. Listening, Intercessory, and Contemplative prayers may be used by some customers for assistance. When it comes to scripture, Tan feels that there should be an understanding of the scripture. The author believes that without understanding, compassion, and prayerfulness, there will be no function. The attention should be focused on the reason of contextualization and understanding. Tan goes on to express that prayer and scripture is effective when it is based on a Spirit-filled Christian.
The integration of prayer and scripture in CBT could be very effective part of therapy. The CBT approach that Tan (2007) describes touches on the essence of human life, which is spirituality. Most people feel that if they have a connection with God everything will be peachy. I know that God is all powerful and he is the creator of all things. For example, I know that God can heal, but at the same time we need the doctors. I believe through Tan’s CBT process of fundamentals. In order for the healing process to begin, it must start from within the client. When people have been hurt or abused, they tend to have feelings of aggression against themselves also. A person must be able to admit there’s a problem and forgive themselves. The counselor uses the CBT process as a way of connecting the client and God. Once the connection is establish, the client is able to get a relationship. The client prays to God for help with their problems and different situations. Tan uses wisdom in getting the client to focus on the problem solver instead of the problem. After reading this article, I have become more interested in CBT. I did not know that one could actually apply these types of concepts within counseling. By applying the scriptures and prayers correctly, can be successful. When it comes to counseling, I would not think about scriptures and prayers. But after reading the article, it really makes sense. The CBT process gives the Christian a way out. At the same time when dealing with clients