Essay on Journal Entry 3

Submitted By skupnym
Words: 817
Pages: 4

Journal Entry 3
Based on visit with Dr. Mchann he said that he would be grading this journal entry. Thanks!
Acquire- After reading Paradigms of Interdependence out of Coveys book, there was one area that caught my eye. The idea that caught my eye was one of the 6 deposits. The deposit that I needed to evaluate is Keeping Commitments. Keeping commitments are very important because if you break commitments people will not value or trust you. Every time you say something you will be discredited. One should review all the variables before making a commitment to see if they truly can make it. I feel that this is very important in the work place and at my company, I want the mangers the mangers and CEOS to recognize me as a strong, trustworthy guy that is always good for his word. I want to be highly valued and seen as a great source
Interpret- Do accomplish my mission there are a few things that I need to do in everyday life. One of the most important things I need to do is know my variables. If I get asked to run a attrition report and have it done by close of business day I need to check how many other reports are due that day, how long of a time period he is looking for so I judge the length and time the report takes to create. Also I need to evaluate the time he is asking for it. Is he asking for it at 900am or 4:00pm? All of these factors can make a huge impact on whether or not I can keep the commitment I made. After re3viwing these variables I have two options, the first one is, “Sorry sir, but due to the 5 other reports I must ran I will not have your report done by today but I can have it ready for you by noon tomorrow.” My second option will be, “Yes, sir I will have this report completed and delivered to you by 5:00pm”. Just by choosing what to say can be a huge decision on making decisions and how your commitments are made and viewed.
1. My manager is asking me to run spend file and is due today, I look at my calendar real fast to see what other reports I have due. 2. Next I ask about the details of the report, how big it is, what time period its over and the importance of it.
3. Now I evaluate the variables with the time period I’m given and cross check it with the space on my calendar.
4. Finally I sate my response, ““Sorry sir, but due to the 5 other reports I must ran I will not have your report done by today but I can have it ready for you by noon tomorrow.” or, “Yes, sir I will have this report completed and delivered to you by 5:00pm”.
Now I am putting my steps in action with my manger. After going through my steps with my first manager I tell him I will have the report done by the end of the day. After