When Tony had told her that Other Wes wasn’t getting all his new shoes and money from being a DJ, it was from being a drug dealer. She didn’t want to believe it. Tony gets angry and tells her “Are you serious? You really believe that? Are you blind?” (71) She hoped that Other Wes would be different and in order to hope she needed to push herself to push Other Wes. The other mother Joy Moore, who attended American University in Washington D.C. is a mother of three kids, had two different father’s. Her first one to have a kid with constantly beat her up and cursed at her in front of her kid Nikki, when she was one year old. She gave up on him when she realized that the girl’s fantasy did not exist. “the fantasy that she alone could change her man.” (9) Nikki was the only kid she had with him. At this point Joy did change, she started believing reality ever since she left Nikki’s dad. This was something that made her stronger, she didn’t want to leave Nikki's