Julia Murrow Research Paper

Words: 1891
Pages: 8

The Personal History of Julia Murrow In the wee hours of the morning on December 11, 1999, Beverly Murrow gave birth to her first-born child, a daughter with skin as soft and as comforting as a blanket fresh from the dryer, a head full of tousled, brunette hair, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to consume everything they set their gaze upon with a fervent curiosity. Andrew, the infant’s father, bestowed her with the name of Julia, an eponym of a song with the same title recorded by his favorite band, “The Beatles”. As Julia grew from a Lilliputian infant into a rambunctious toddler, her azure eyes evolved into a shade of golden brown, but her inquisitive disposition endured the test of time. Wherever Julia was, be it the convent where …show more content…
For the clear majority of Julia’s period in middle school, her confidence was completely and utterly diminished. She felt as though she wasn’t sagacious enough to succeed, that she wasn’t pretty enough to obtain the attention of an attractive boy, and that she wasn’t personable enough to become popular. Julia isolated herself from friends and family alike and tried desperately to cling onto whatever minute amount of self esteem she still had. In eighth grade, however, a small, yet visible light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Julia’s english class was assigned to write a short horror story and a handful of students would be nominated to read their narratives in front of the class. Julia just so happened to be one of those students. She awkwardly approached the front of the room, her hands gripping the notebook which held her story so tightly that her knuckles began to pallor. With a terribly shaky voice and her hair over her eyes as if it were a curtain meant to mask her body from view of the outside world, Julia began to read from her notebook the tale of which she had written. Her entire body was tremoring and some intrinsic part of Julia’s mind was wishing for her teacher to tell her to retreat to her seat, but those words were never uttered. She continued on with the story and the trembling never …show more content…
That summer would prove to be the best summer, and the best three weeks, of Julia’s life thus far. While attending Duke TIP’s summer studies program at Rice University, Julia’s time was filled with academic rigor, magical dances, and an opportunity not only for Julia to shine, but to meet the best friend she will ever have, Samantha. After returning home from a marvelous experience at camp, Julia received a phone call from Highland School of Technology stating that there was a spot open for Julia in the Business and Legal Pathway that was hers to take. Only three weeks before the start of Sophomore year Julia was met with a rather monumental fork in the road; to either remain at Forestview and maintain the relationships she had made the previous year or to attend Highland where there was a possibility to obtain more scholastic opportunities than she had received at Forestview. After a perceivably neverending day of inner combat, tears, and the creation of a multitude of pro/con lists, Julia had chosen the path of which she would take; Highland. While she knew that she would miss the friendships she had developed at Forestview, the allure of boundless intellectual opportunities proved to outweigh all of the positives for remaining at Forestview. Julia took the risk and enrolled to Highland, the school that she has been at ever