Jung Typology Test Essay

Words: 2202
Pages: 9

The purpose of this project was to take the Jung Typology Test to determine which, of the 16 different personality categories there are, I fell in. What follows the test results is a discussion and self-reflection on how accurate I found this test to be and what specific events that I could think of, specifically from work, that prove the existence of these personality traits. After taking the test it was found that I am a mastermind; categorizing me as an INTJ. This means that I am prone to introversion, intuition, thinking, and judging.

Step 1

I am an introvert. This test scored me as 34% introverted (Jung Typology Test, 2017). I grew up in the shadow of my father whose personality was bigger than life. It is not something that I hold a grudge on. He is the man I most respect in this world. He is a public speaker, singer, dancer, writer, and entrepreneur. One of the most talented men I know. Growing up, I never had any need to initiate any attention grabbing stunts. I was fulfilled as the young son on the side shaking my hand as they told me how awesome my Dad’s performance was. Which was the truth. My younger brother and I would always find somewhere else in the church to go where we could go and play away from everybody else. It has been like that for me whole life. I am very much energized when I am by myself and enjoy the quiet. I can be very social and am known for having many friends or acquaintances and keeping a few close friends.
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Apparently I am very fond of believing the information that I receive from my own imaginative world or that I will believe my own concept of the world over those of concrete fact. It doesn't sound as good as I think it is meant to be. One of the weaknesses with this is that very often your idea and concept of how the world works is wrong. It is important to have a balance between the two because sometimes the so-called facts can skew the truth.