Junk Mail Satire

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Pages: 4

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How many times have you opened emails to find scam messages awaiting you? Every email address owner is the victim of vicious junk mail - it has to stop! I can’t remember how many times I’ve accidently signed up to bogus companies; it’s simply ridiculous!

This isn't an exaggeration- scam mail really does run my life by playing a perpetually interrupting role. Take this as an example: on the bus, along with every other public transport user, I engross myself in the depths my mobile phone. It is a remarkable machine! However, even the most revolutionary of devices fails to stop junk mail appearing in my emails.

Just last week, I naively opened what seemed to be an authentic
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As a result of this abominable attack, my phone was flooded with explicit pop up advertisements, which ultimately caused me to furiously smash my phone into pieces.

How many times has junk mail frustrated you so much to the point where you just cannot take it anymore? I know for a fact that at one point in your life, you’ve been bamboozled by scam emails. Isn’t it time that we fight back? We need to take a stand against modern deception! So that we can scroll, scroll, scroll and open emails that aren't going to destroy our lives!

Speaking of frustrating modern deceptions...
BRRRINNNGGGGGG… “ Have you been seriously injured in the twenty four hours? Been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault? You could be entitled to hundreds of -
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They both share the same, heart breaking factor- deceit. That’s right, deceit. When you see a gorgeous handbag online at an excellent price, you don’t think twice! It’s click, click, ding dong and it’s here! Then, it's time to excitedly tear up the grey glossy packaging, uncontrollably ripping the packaging open and then…

A flimsy, plastic bag that’s ten shades too light – not what the picture online claimed! I just hate it when this happens, and it really does happen far too often. In this rapidly changing technology ruled world, even shopping is becoming difficult! I guess we’ll all have to resort to physically going into shops, lugging around items and wasting a whole day plummeting ourselves into debt.

So there you have it , my view on modern world deception. Technology is the reason why I have trust issues. The world could be destroyed by a zombie apocalypse- but then again, it could also be destroyed by technology! Just think, if we are all slowly plummeting into a catastrophic hole (believe me we are), and there is no way of crawling back up to surface, people would be panicking. So why is everyone so unfussed about technology ruling the