Jury Trial Defense Observation Papers

Words: 1871
Pages: 8

On Monday, November 6, 2017, I arrived at the Lindsey-Flannigan courthouse to observe a jury trial proceeding. I was instructed by the officers to go to courtroom 5D where the impressive Judge Kandace Gerdes would be presiding over People v. Bradley. People V. Bradley was an assault case that was estimated to last three days. I witnessed the preliminary matters and motions, but sadly after four hours of Jury selection, they did not get to their opening statements. Through preliminary matters and motions I acquired some of the basic facts, and through the way, the questions were asked in jury selection I could infer the type of defense the defense attorney was going to use. The proceedings started with preliminary matters and motions. The defense moved to the sequestration of Dr. Vargas an expert witness. The defense objected to his testimony which was endorsed within the last 35 days and no “curricula” for him was provided until that morning. The defense also stated that they filled a summary for written summary for Dr. Vargas in July and none was …show more content…
Bradly feel as if he was justified in using physical force upon the victim to defend himself from what reasonably believed was the victim using unlawful physical force against him in a manner that was imminent. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-1-704(1) (2012). In Colorado, it is not required to retreat, during her questioning it was easily seen that she was going to reemphasize to the jury during the trial that the law does not require a man to retreat even if it appears that a man morally should. I can also assume that she will try and persuade the jury to believe the amount of force used was proportional to the amount of force that the victim was potentially going to use against him. This would legal satisfy the requirements of self-defense in Colorado, but may or may not be factually supported depending on the facts of the