Justice In The Poisonwood Bible

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Pages: 6

It has been said that the fight for justice is a never ending war that has been raging since the beginning of time. Justice is often associated with the Judicial System. It is in the form of payment, monetary or nonmonetary, to a victim of a crime, and in some cases, it has been used in an ill manner to get revenge. But regardless of its use, its purpose, in most situations, is to bring calmness to a troubling soul. In the novel, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, there is a new found purpose for the fight for justice. Majority of the characters in this novel have simply sympathised with justice but one character specifically fought to bring freedom to this encaged bird.
Anatole Ngemba , who is the Kilanga school teacher and the husband
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Although I know this capacity for self-restraint in a dangerous moment is uncanny (pg. 449)” Anatole, in a way, gave life to the Congo in this time period because no matter what he had to endure, he never stopped.
Theodore Roosevelt once said “ Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong but in finding out the right and upholding it wherever found against the wrong.” The
Congo was not much different when it came to gender roles, than the rest of the word in this time. Man had their position in the marketplace, politics, houshold and women had theirs behind their husbands and in their homes. Several times in The Poisonwood Bible, Anatole caused trouble by voting and speaking against this stone age design. For starters, he asked Leah Price to teach at his school. Anatole is very much aware that some of the younger boys will not pay
Leach any attention, because she is a girl, but he allows her to teach anyways because she loves
it and he couldn't deny her that. He even taught Leah to hunt. Many of the townspeople, including Leah’s father Nathan Price, hated it because it was unfeminine ( put a quote