Justification Of Lying In Rachel Manus 'Flatliners'

Words: 287
Pages: 2

In the “Flatliners” there was a scene where Rachel Manus visited one of her patient, Mrs. Amsler, and told her that she is doing much better. Mrs. Amsler does not believe her. In my opinion Rachel was not justified in telling Mrs. Amsler a lie. Clearly in the scene Mrs. Amsler know that she is reaching the end of her life. Death is a fact while telling a dying person that they will survive is like telling a fat person that he is skinny. The lies does not change the overwhelming fact that is present. The best one can do to a person that is dying is to give them peace instead of lies about their survivability. One can say that ignorance is bliss, that all the lies can help the person feel better, but soon or later the realization of death sneaks