Juvenile Court System Summary

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Pages: 3

The juvenile court system is very unique, and has all sorts of people who work with in the court. The people they serve through the juvenile court is children, and family services (Cox, Allen, Hanser, & Conrad, 2014). The first person to look at within the juvenile court system is the prosecutor. The prosecutor will screen or dismiss the cases (Cox et al, 2014). Even though it is this way right now it has not always been like that. The juvenile justice system has come a long way. In the beginning the prosecutor or state attorney was seen as harmful, and unnecessary (Cox et al, 2014). What brought the changes to the court system was the In re Gault case and a few other cases as well (Cox et al, 2014). In addition, the next important thing within the court system is the defense counsel. This is separated …show more content…
This could mean that the prosecutor could want to take a juvenile to court, and the attorney could talk with the prosecutor to have the case dismissed, or a lesser sentence (Cox et al, 2014). There is also a juvenile court judge who is the most powerful (Cox et al, 2014). The judge will hear everything, but overall he makes the final decision (Cox et al, 2014). The next person in the juvenile court system to look at is the juvenile probation officer (Cox et al, 2014). There are over 17,500 juvenile probation officers in the United States (Cox et al, 2014). The probation officer is a very important within the court system (Cox et al, 2014). They will keep up with the juvenile, and make sure they stay in line. In addition, there is also the children, and family service personnel (Cox et al, 2014). They do not work within the court system, but they are still very important (Cox et al, 2014). This is especially important with family problems, like abuse within the family. They could also help with the investigations, family services, and the cases (Cox et al,