Katniss Chapter 13 Summary

Words: 373
Pages: 2

Chapter 13: Katniss grabs her sleeping bag, which contains her backpack and water bottle, and runs. However, Katniss is unable to run fast enough, and the smoke starts to overpower her. She has to stop for a moment to vomit and recover, noting that the flames around her are man-made. The flames are likely created by the Gamemakers to bring the tributes together so that the viewers in the Capitol will have more action to watch. Suddenly, fireballs begin to shoot at Katniss, and she tries to move away from the area where the launchers must be located. When it finally seems like they’ve stopped, she pauses to take a break, but then another fireball shoots, and she’s not fast enough to dodge. It hits her calf, and she grabs at her leg, causing