Physical Development: Abbie is an 11 year old girl who is the oldest in her family. She is very tall for her age. I would say she is 2-4 inches taller than girls I have seen at her age. I could tell that Abbie’s body was getting ready to hit puberty. At the family reunion there were lots of trees and Abbie has no difficult using her fine motor skills to climb the trees. She was very physically active and was constantly …show more content…
She is the youngest in her family. She is Abbie and Candice’s cousin. She is short for her age. She wore glasses because she has problems with her eyesight. Kayla being in the middle childhood was also constantly involved in active play. Kayla was able to climb trees, but had to have a little help getting down from a very tall tree. Kayla tried to get into the hammock but was not able to. Her dad had to help her each time she wanted to be in the hammock. I think Kayla’s height affected her ability to get into the hammock. When Kayla tried to walk the bungie line she had a little bit of a balancing issue but was able to make it across without falling off. Kayla seemed to be on target for her age, but her height seemed to add some difficulties to the things she was …show more content…
She would watch the other two girls do an activity than join in. It looked like Kayla may have been going through metacognitive, which is defined as “thinking about thinking”, or the ability to evaluate a cognitive task in order to determine how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor and adjust one’s performance on that task (Berger, K. S). Kayla was able to do the tasks like the other kids, but she would think about it and do it her way.
Candice was a firecracker of questions. She was constantly asking her mom, grandma, and grandpa questions. She wanted to know why she was told she couldn’t do something. She wanted to know who everybody was and how they were related to her. She was constantly questioning Abbie on why they were doing the activities they were doing. I observed she was very curious and self-involved. She wanted to know how everything related to her. Candice, being Abbie’s sister is also enrolled in a Spanish Immersion program in