March 3, 1837
Kelli D. Fredlund
Once again our government has failed us Upper Canada. The promises to land and freedom are all lies that continuously spill from our leaders lips. It is time we take action and tell them what is needed in order to have a great country! Nationalism should be a huge part of our lives but with a government who can not even keep their word is not something we are proud of. A revolution is what is needed to keep these officials on their toes. Something striking, recieving, admiring and bold. John Beverly Robinson is one too look out for! Striking the public with the quote, "another reptile," he reports regarding a comment from our last edition. He was not so fond of it himself. The Legislative Assembaly still has not much say in our everyday lives and all though we are fighting, we must fight harder! Less power comes everyday to the people of Upper Canada and the Family Compact is unsuitable for what this country needs. British North America could be invincible but the Family Compact must first acknowledge the needs of the people and the pleas for a responsible government. Yet another seventh of our land is going to Crown and Cleargy Reserves for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer! Absentee Landlords are aquitted of the average responsibilities of a landlord and need to step up to the plate. As our governemnt should. So fellow citizens of Upper Canada, I say we take a stand and hold our ground. We will fight