Kelly Flawk Poster Analysis

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Pages: 7

The hallways of the University of Iowa hospitals are filled with people, art, and a lot of informational posters. Whenever I walk down the halls, most things just start to blend together. The units, elevators, and people all become a blur during my eight-hour shifts. However, there are a handful of items that I have constantly noticed. One of them is a poster about seizure and epilepsy awareness found on the second floor of the general hospital. For several reasons it has always stood out to me, and I have stopped to look at it many times. The ad is effective at informing people like me about epilepsy because it was designed to catch people's attention enough that they will stop and read, it made me feel slightly worried that I did not know …show more content…
When glancing at the poster, I thought Kelly Falk was just some random unknown model, however she is also there to make people like me trust the information the poster is presenting. Why Kelly Falk? I had never heard of Kelly Falk before. She does not have a recognizable face, a well-known name, or a huge fan base like a lot of celebrities I see on ads. The poster even had to tell me why Kelly is famous. She was on the twelfth cycle of America's Next Top Model. However, the main reason she was probably chosen for this ad is because she was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was fifteen years old. After finding that out, I definitely felt like the poster was more legitimate. I do not think that a person with epilepsy would let an ad use their face if the ad contained unreliable information. While Kelly Falk is not well known, and did not grab my attention in the same way that Beyoncé or Jennifer Aniston would, she still added a sense of validity. Towards the bottom of the poster, it is listed that the Anita Kauffman Foundation for epilepsy and seizure awareness sponsored this poster, which also made the poster more reliable. However, I may not have read the poster to that point if it had not used a model with epilepsy to keep me engaged. While Kelly Falk may have partly been chosen because of her looks, there was much more behind that decision. One of the reasons I chose to trust the information on this poster was because of Kelly Falk. Kelly definitely fulfilled her purpose as the model on this