King Daughters Medical Center Interview Summary

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Pages: 3

Interview Summary In an interview with nurse director, Stephanie Copley, issues faced at King Daughters Medical Center (KDMC) were discussed. Stephanie is the nursing director responsible for managing the intensive care unit at KDMC. While Stephanie must tackle many issues within her unit, the number one issue that creates a crack for other problems to fall through, is that of a short, staffed unit. Stephanie states “Me and other members of my team including my assistant nurse manger, bedside educator, and nursing supervision are working on trying to rebuild the staff and the environment of not only the ICU but the hospital as a whole.” I have recently participated in surveys sent out by Stephanie and her team on how to create a more positive work environment along with answering questions about how the team can encourage employees to …show more content…
Some theories are mature, with a strong empirical basis, whereas other theories may have emerged from a single context and thus are supported by more limited evidence (Daniel, et. all 2020). The theory of planned change is a three-step change theory that could help solve the issue of a short, staffed hospital. This theory would suggest that leaders first go through “unfreezing” or in other words recognize the issue at hand, the next step in the process would be the “moving” or “transitioning” phase, to complete this phase an action plan would need to be put into place to address the problem at hand. The third step in addressing the problem of staffing shortages would be “refreezing” or stabilizing changes made to create a new normal. By following the theory of planned change, an interdisciplinary approach would be suitable to succeed, as many different knowledge backgrounds would be appropriate when addressing an issue of this