King John Lakland Research Paper

Words: 1737
Pages: 7

King John, born 24 December 1167 CE, ascended the throne in 1199, directly following his brother Richard the Lionheart. Before Richard, their father, Henry II, ruled England. John, obviously born to a family with power, with his mother being Eleanor of Aquitaine, was an educated young boy but received a different education than his older brothers. He received an education close to that of his sisters while his brothers learned how to fight and be aggressive, as well as deal with other men. John needed to gain that knowledge, which became a deficit as he got older. Furthermore, John was nicknamed “John Lackland'', because it was predetermined that he wouldn’t be the first to inherit all his father's land, hence the name “lack land”. Relating to that, the way his …show more content…
Additionally, not only was he King of England, but he was also Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine, and Anjou, which are all places in France. King John, going up against Philip II of France, who had 19 years of experience being a ruler, was less experienced. He immediately made himself seem like the enemy of France and its allies. As a result, they attacked John’s English empire, split it in two, and left a devastating legacy. Along with that, King John lost many important lands in which he, as well as England in general, held power in France to Philip II, with the most notable being Normandy. He also lost Aquitaine, London, Westminster, and the south of England, and even had enemies in his own kingdom. "John lost England's continental possessions to Philip Augustus, King of France, and subsequently failed to get them back." One failure led to the next, and he just wasn’t able to maintain a strong, powerful country. King John’s military decisions, and overall inexperience, were a major reason why he was a bad leader. (change this sentence and make paragraph longer) As if King John’s military failures didn’t make him disliked as it was, he also had it out with the