Within the collage I have had the opportunity to be Junior School Captain and Class leader. I have also been lucky enough to be involved in the Student Ambassador program and Peer Support program working closely with many other leaders within the school. I have also had the chance to work along side the current house leaders over the past few years through my involvement in house performing arts and also assisting them on sports days. But I have also had some highly relevant experiences outside of the collage which I believe have equipped me with skills to lead my house to the best of my abilities. For the past few years I have been a part of a program called Nippers which teaches kids ages 6 to 14 with basic lifesaving skills in a fun environment. Being in a team leading over thee hundred kids for a week is no easy task, but the skills I have gained because of it have been invaluable. The organisational and group management skills I have acquired from doing this would be very beneficial in assisting me coordinate house sporting events and manage other events such as HPA. Another leadership opportunity I have had was with the National Boys Choir as a Prefect. The boys choir has a whole range of kids from 8 to 15 years old and as a Prefect it’s your job to make sure they all get along and they all respect one another. I think this experience is highly relevant to house leader and would be helpful in achieving my goal of helping the students connect with one