The alfalfa silage which is particularly rich in energy and protein is transported from a parent ranch on a different farm in Kamloops (C. Kitzel, personal communications) which is why expenses must be made for transportation.
#5: In addition to feed quality, the comfort of the cows are particularly important in health of the cows which directly affects milk production (Shannon Kitzel, personal communication). The Kitzel farmers do their best to provide their cows the best shelter they could by providing them big and spacious stalls, soft bedding, clean environment as well as a high ceiling to maintain airflow.
#6: Since the Kitzel farmers don’t have the room capacity on their farm to raise calves, they are sold after 3 months (W. Kitzel, personal communication) which generates a revenue. In addition, Female cows who can no longer produce milk because they are old and/or ill are sold at auctions along with bulls (W. Kitzel, personal communication).
#7: Manure needs to be stored properly on Kitzel farm because of the limitation due to rainfall. Which means that the manure is stored in a manure pit when it can’t be applied to avoid