Brian Summers
Period 8
Knighthood, the essence of becoming a knight both used in modern and ancient times. Throughout time there have been famous knights who have shown their bravery and honor through their work. Ancient knights would work for money, a king, or for their god/gods. Alexander Nevsky, is a knight who served for a country in which is now known as russia. He is most known for the famous fighter for the horde. He was traded to the horde when he was little as an agreement from his brother to keep peace. As Alexander had grown up learning from the horde to fight and defend his honor. He had become a phenomenal fighter in which he had lead a retaliation against an invasion by the swedish and german forces around 1240 A.D. Edward the Black Prince, formerly known as Edward of Woodstock was the son of King Edward III, and father of King Richard II of england. He was known as an amazing military leader due to his victories over the French military during the …show more content…
In modern times, men and women express chivalry without even knowing it. People do so at random times just through expressing their religion or standing up for their beliefs and defending others. Mothers and Fathers give their all to protect their children and their family from any harm or struggle. Some families have a parent that have multiple jobs to be able to support their family. A modern example of chivalry is the United States Military. The military has expressed chivalry by risking and devoting their lives to protect the citizens of their country. They fight for our rights to speak about our religion without punishment. They fight for our rights to bare arms, and our right of speech. We have the right to ownership of property because of the risk these people have put out for us. Chivalry today is the bravery and risk people show for