Krakatoa Research Paper

Words: 236
Pages: 1

Our Project is over a volcano in Indonesia named Krakatoa, or Krakatau. Krakatoa is a cinder cone volcano that formed at around 416 A.D. Each time Krakatoa erupted, some of It and sometimes some of it’s island gets blown off or eroded due to the massive explosion. This would be an example of wind abrasion erosion because ash, and other pyroclastic flow material are impacting against the volcano, eroding some of the volcano’s crater causing Krakatoa to lose elevation.
In the eruption of 1883 August, 27th,two thirds of the island Rakata (which was the island that Krakatoa was on) was destroyed. According to, 165 villages were demolished, and another 132 villages were damaged. The eruption of 1883 impacted a total of 297 villages.